Friday, August 3, 2012

scavenger hunt and book

This cactus uses the CAM plant process. It is an arid adaptation of  the C3 and C4 plant processes.  CO2 that enters the stomata during the night is then converted into organic acids which then in turn release CO2 in the day when the stomata is closed. Most CAM plants have to be found in dry and arid regions, which is why cacti are CAM plants.

This plant and most everything else in the world uses cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the process to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into ATP and with that it releases the waste products.  They are catabolic reactions which breaks bigger molecules down into smaller molecules. It is also a redox reaction. 
All plants have auxins in them that are hormones of plants. Auxins play a key role in the growth of  a plant. Also the life/plant cycle of a plant is affected by the auxins as well. Without auxins plants wouldn't be able to develop. 

The plant has a stalk called the filament. This filament is used to  support the anther up. The anther is the key role in spreading the flower around in time of pollination. The anther has microsporangia that hold all the pollenating material. Any flowering plant has the anther but not all of them have the filament, only stalky plants that dangle need the filament.

Adenosine triphosphate is a multifunctional  nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as coenzymes . It transfers  chemical energy within cells for its metabolism. It is one of the end processes of cellular respiration. One molecule of ATP has three proteins. ATP is used in all complex living organisms. ATP at the end breaks down into its basic version which makes it easily recyclable.

On another note I finished the book and I found the last couple of pages to be quite alarming about all the different viruses that still threaten today's society and how it is soon to be that we will have another giant and international viral outbreak. I thought though that the last part was a little weird. But in the end it made sense, I really enjoyed the book so I will definitely read more books by the author who's name pervades me. 

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