Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Post #8

Frond- A frond is a large divided leaf. Here is a young palm frond that fell to the concrete at Hilton Head.
Ethylene- This a hydrocarbon that releases a faint sweet, musky odor when pure. Here is a mango that has released ethylene.
 Gymnosperm cone- It is the gametophyte of the plant. here is a pine cone. Female cones are at the bottom of the tree and produce seeds while the male cones are at the top of the tree where they produce pollen.
 Lichen- It is an organism that grows with both a fungus and a photosynthetic partner in a symbiotic relationship. Here is a lichen on a tree.

Connective Tissue- a tissue of the body that connects ligament, organs, and
other tissues in the body. Here is an elbow that contains connective tissue.

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