Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer Work/Posting Update

 (some of MY summer work)

It looks like Tyler and Kelly are "done".  You both have enough points to take off this week, should you choose to do so. Well done! Amanda, Braeden, and Ansley are soooo close.  David and Carrie... where are you??? Both of you had strong starts and seem to have dropped off.  Only 12 days until class... whoo hoo! Don't forget to bring in your plants for some prizes :) Ms. P


  1. COOL :)

    But I haven't done my Hotzone post because I thought it was due next week... would you still like that?
    'Ahh, 12 days.... I'm excited!!

  2. sure, i'd like to read your final thoughts on the book...I was referring mostly to the "hunts". Was that a note of sarcasm in your I'm excited??!!! hee hee....

  3. Alright!

    Haha, no sarcasm... yet. I am excited- senior year!!

  4. Ok Ms. Lori I'm a little confused. I wasn't sure if the ones that had multiple pictures counted for multiple points. So do I already have my 100

  5. 100 points? I'm about 15 minutes away from posting 5 more oh well. Haha
