Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I tried reading this on the plane to England. I had to stop for the whole ride because it said that there is at least one hot virus on every single airplane. Coupled with my fear of long overseas flights, it became a recipe for disaster. The writing style of the author is some what of a fishing line. You begin to read and say " Oh I think I go it!"only to be left disappointed that the plot is heading in a different direction. I agree with everyone else that all the Johnsons are a pain. So far the the thing I've learned are the precautions that the researchers take when they study Ebola. It is phenomenal the steps they have to follow in order to protect themselves, which is warranted due to the detrimental effects of Ebola. Still curious about the different strands of the virus and what makes them more deadly than the other. Otherwise great book!


  1. Yeah I would not be able to read it on a plane either!!

  2. Me either! I would think I was doomed the whole way!!!! Now you see how easy however it is for a virus like influenza spreads
