Thursday, June 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Post #1

1. Animal with a segmented body- An animal whose body is divided into segments usually insects, Arthropods, and arachnids. Here is a colony of ants

2. Adaptation of an Animal- An adaptation of an animal is something that that animal uses to survive. Here is a lizard tail that a lizard cut off. This allows lizards to escape their predators

3. Amniotic egg- 

The type of egg produced by reptiles, birds, and some mammals in which the embryo develops inside an egg. The shell of the egg is either calcium-based or leathery. Here is an egg. 

4. Fermentation- chemical breaking down of a substance (as in the formation of alcohol from sugar) produced by an enzyme and often accompanied by the formation of a gas. Here is a bottle of wine that is undergoing fermentation
5. Adaptation of a plant- An adaptation of a plant is something a plant uses in order to be better suited to its environment. Here is flowering dogwood. The ends of the leaves have sharp spines on them which deters predators

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