Thursday, June 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt 1

Fronds are large leaves that are divided into several different parts.
Examples of fronds are: ferns and palms.


Heterotrophs are organisms that depend on organic compounds for their
main source of food. They cannot make their own food. Examples of
heterotrophs are: humans and many animals. This is my dog Buddy. 

Adaptation of an animal- this is a picture of a Mallard in my
neighborhood. Mallards have webbed feet. This is an adaptation that
allows them to swim faster. Their feathers also contain oils that
allow them to repel water. These adaptations help them survive in
their environment.

Altruistic behavior is behavior by an animal that may put it in
danger, but that helps others of its kind. An example of this is a
warning call. Many animals use warning calls like: ground squirrels,
prairie dogs, and passerine birds. I couldn't find a bird but here is a bird's nest. 

Autotrophs have to ability to produce their own food through
photosynthesis and the use of inorganic materials. Autotrophs are
great food sources to heterotrophs. Examples of autotrophs are:
plants, algae, and some bacteria.

Ps. I do not know why all of my pictures turned sideways... 

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