Friday, June 28, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Post 2

The cambium is the layer of tissue between the pholem (inner bark) and xylem (wood). It produces new layers of the pholem and xylem. It creates the rings that you see in trees.
The exoskeleton is an external skeleton that protects an animals body. The shell of this snail is an example of an exoskeleton. Also insects such as grasshoppers and cockroaches have them too.
Bilateral symmetry is when cut into two halves they are completely alike in structure and functionality. Most animals such as this cat have this type of symmetry. 
Lichen is a plant made from the combination of an alga and a fungus. Lichen is seen a lot on rocks and trees.
An analogous structure is a feature that shares the same function but not the same structure. The wings of a bird and the wings of an insect are an example of this. 


  1. wow, everything looks so.....different. It's almost like you're in another country or something

  2. it was a stray cat, but he was really sweet!
