Friday, July 5, 2013

Will Farr Scavenger hunt 3

Bilateral symmetry - This means that if the organism is divided laterally into two equal parts, each part will look the identical. This is Abbie. Even though I was not allowed to cut her in half, if   I had, she would demonstrate bilateral symmetry.

Lichen - Lichen is a composit organism which is made of fungus that coexists with a photosynthetic partner, such as a cyanobacteria. This is lichen i found  on a  rock.
Hydrophilic Substances - A hydrophilic substance is a substance that interacts with water through hydrolic bonds, such as salt!
Calvin Cycle - This is the process in which plants turn CO2 into sugar. Here is a plant. If you look closely, stand on your head, and squint your eyes you can see the cycle occuring.
Heterotroph - A heterotroph is an organism that cannot produce its own food. These are my dogs. I feed them so they can live.

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