Friday, June 29, 2012

David Bready Scavenger Hunt #2

 This is one of my three dogs named Humphrey. I am using him as an example of territorial behavior. Right now he is at his favorite spot on the stairs where he looks out through the door. He barks at anything he sees out the door. He "protects" both of the beds behind him that he considers "his". He used to bark and growl at his twin brother Bogart (yes we named our dogs after the famous actor Humphrey Bogart) but he has learned to "accept him". Now he barks at Izzy who is three times his size.
 This right here is my Coleus. My Coleus has a transportive tissue called the xylem (there are two transportive tissues and the other one is called phloem). Xylem is mainly used in plants to transport water and sometimes nutrients but 95% of the time its water.
 This is a Gerber Daisy. It is a long-day plant which means that it blooms in the spring as the days get longer and hotter. It is able to bloom in the spring because it has more time in sunlight to give it enough energy to begin to bloom and release its pollen.
This is my brother Stuart. You might remember him Mrs. Lory. He was a little tired from working out at crossfit when I took this picture. Stuart is interesting because I chose him as an example because of what he does not have. Stuart had his appendix removed when he grew ill with appendicitis. Your appendix is an example of a vestigial structure. Humans once had a use for the appendix which was say you swallowed a small rock, the rock would then be stored in your appendix for the remainder of your life. However over time we adapted and our bodies learned to get rid of materials we could not digest and just to get rid of them rather than to store them. Another example is the blind mole rat which has small eyes completely covered by a layer of skin.

Well this, Mrs. Lory, is a beer. Now i want to start off by saying i did not drink it nor have a drank any form of alcohol. Beer undergoes a process called fermentation where the yeast in the beer ferments over time to produce alcohol.

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