Friday, July 27, 2012

Definitions Week 6: (At least I think it's week 6...) -Tyler

I'll use my other dog as an Endotherm: An Endotherm is an animal that can regulate it's own temperature (warm blooded), and is able to withstand extremes, particularly cold winters. Cold blooded animals instead usually thrive where the only temperature is hot.

This is an otter... (from really far away,) but it's a heterotroph: an organism that needs to ingest/eat other organisms for energy.

Polar Bears are usually thought to be Keystone Species in the arctic, meaning that their influence over that particular ecosystem goes far beyond their abundance They directly effect Beluga whales, ringed seals, and just about anything else edible to a bear in the arctic. This one was in captivity near Juneau by the Canadian/ Alaskan border. 

Mutualism is when two different organisms benefit eachother by their actions. In this situation, the butterfly benefits the flowers by pollinating then in exchange for nectar.

The spores on the dandelions are the reproductive structures that can be spread by the wind. The further the spores go, the more area they cover and reproduce in.


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