Friday, July 13, 2012

Random Definitions- Scavenger Hunt 4- Tyler

This is a bit of a stretch... but I'm going to try and use it as an example of the Adaptation of an Animal. The pupils of animal eyes will adjust according to the amount of light in an area; the black part of the cat's eyes are much wider due to the dim light, because this was taken late at night on Christmas Eve. The tree was the only semi-bright source of light, and the cat is looking away from it. Once she stares at something vivid and glowing so to speak, the pupils will shrink, and the colored part is much more visible.

Bees are typically used as examples of pollinators, to either convey or deposit the pollen from flowers.

The very tiny beetle-like-bug on the end of that flower has an exoskeleton, usually to provide support due to the lack of a backbone or protection.

My exemplification of territorial behaviour: my dogs... The black German-Shepard is Chelsea, the more dominant one. She really does not like people approaching her bones and/or toys, and exhibits her teeth and barks if anyone gets too close.

Finally, my classification of an ectotherm. Snakes and other reptiles are ectotherms, or cold-blooded. They depend on their surroundings for heat, and cannot survive in cool climates. I've seen a lot more snakes in the three weeks I've been in Georgia so far than I've ever seen in Canada... But this was taken at the Toronto Zoo.


  1. I would have been highly disturbed had you found that snake in your backyard in georgia!

  2. ^I actually have the name for that snake!! It's a Corallus caninus; An emerald tree boa.

    Ugh, but I've found like four of these horrid black ones behind my house in the lake.
