Friday, July 27, 2012

scavenger hunt

The fish in this picture is reacting to the aerotaxis right now, as the fish is taking the oxygen in instead of water and cannot breathe create a negative taxis. Most aerotaxis for fish create a negative taxis since this stimulation is bad where as a hydrotaxis create a positive taxis.
Many types of fish, unlike the one I caught, have parasites on them that create a parasitic relationship. One of the most common style of parasitism on fishes is a parasite that eats the eye and live on the eyes as it feeds making the fish blind but nourishing the parasite.
This sea grass on the other hand is a type of C4 Plant. It uses four carbon molecule instead of three for the metabolic pathway for the photosynthesis. Most underwater grasses are C4 Plants. The C4 Plant is supposedly an evolved version of C3 Plants because of adaptations. It is still used for the same reason as a C3 plant.
This wheat grass is a form of a C3 plant. It has a specific style of carbon fixation during photosynthesis. That is  a metabolic pathway for the photosynthesis. The plant relies on this process to convert CO2 into organic compounds. Many forms of wheat grasses are C3 Plants, but on average grasses tend to be C4 Plants.
Your going to have to go along with me on this one. Millions of cells live on this old and used dollar bill. Some of these cells are prokaryotes, which lack a nucleus. Most prokaryotes tend to be unicellular but at the same time like to group together. To be classified as a prokaryote you have to not have a nucleus.

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