Friday, July 27, 2012

Scavenger Hunt #5

Organisms in different kingdoms
The animal kingdom is the largest kingdom. This is a caribou in Denali national park! Animal kingdom as over one million species.

This is a picture taken at Yellowstone national park. It is a steaming pool on the side of the road. Archaebacteria is found in extreme environments. Yellowstone has a lot of archaebacteria because it has a lot of hot boiling water underground.
Asexual Reproduction-- Asexual reproduction is when offspring comes from one parent and has the genetic make up of only that one parent. There is no meiosis involved in asexual reproduction. It is the form of reproduction in single celled organisms like archaebacteria, protists, and many plants and fungi.

The plant kingdom is the second largest kingdom with over 250,000 species. This picture is taken at Sedona, Arizona.

Eubacteria is in it's own kingdom because it has a different chemical makeup than archaebacteria. It is the most commonly known bacteria. It can be bad or good. For example, it is in yogurt which is healthy. However, streptococci is eubacteria that can give you strep throat.

Mushrooms and mold are examples of fungi. They are multicelluar, unlike bacteria. They are very similar to plants, except they can not make their own food.

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