Thursday, July 11, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Post 4

 Territorial Behavior are the words used to describe the methods in which an animal or group of animals protects said territory. Dogs for instance "mark" their territory, and when they feel it is threatened will growl or even attack the "threat".
 Homologous structures are organs or structures in seperate species that share common a common ancestor or origin. Some example include human hands and dog paws, human arms and dolphin fins, etc.
 Prokaryotes are a group of cells that lack a nucleus. In these cells the DNA floats freely around the inside of the cellular membrane. Some common prokaryotes are bacteria, like the ones found in this yogurt.
 The cuticle layer of a plant is a thin protective film that cover the epidermis of leaves, stems, and shoots of young plants.
A eukaryote is a cell that has a "true" nucleus, which contains DNA inside. These kinds of cells are commonly found in animals and plants like these fruit.

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