Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Post 5 (with one extra picture)

This cow is a heterotroph. Heterotrophs can not produce their own food so they rely on eating food for their energy. This cow eats grass to get its energy.

This is me shooting a gun. Guns are used for hunting. Hunting is a form of predation. Predation is the interaction where a predator feeds on or attacks their prey. 

The sushi rolls on the bottom have a combination of salmon and eel in them. In some places, salmon is a key stone species. A key stone species is an organism who contributes to the survival of an ecosystem. The pacific salmon dies after it spawns and several species feed off of them. They almost sustain a whole ecosystem. 

 This is my dog shadow; he is resting. The internal balance that is being shown is called homeostasis. Shadow is content with his surroundings and is physically stable because of it.
This bird is grooming himself, which is also helping maintain homeostasis.

This tree frog is an ectotherm. An ectotherm is an animal that does not have the ability to regulate its body temperature internally. This frog uses environmental factors to maintain the right temperature. 

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