Thursday, June 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt: Post 1

This whole scavenger hunt thing intimidated me, but it's fun once you start!

A frond is a large divided leaf. Fronds can be found on many types of plants like this palm tree in my back yard or even ferns.
The crusty stuff you see on this tree is a lichen. A lichen is part of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae, they meet on a tree and grow together. 

 A gymnosperm cone is a pine cone. Pine trees use cones for reproduction. The male cones are smaller and produce pollen; they're located towards the top of the tree. Female cones are larger and located farther down the tree. 
 My dog Shadow is a K-Strategist. K-strategists have small amounts of offspring that they nurture from birth. Species who are K-strategists take longer to grow up and are more dependent on their parents.
This spider is an R-Strategist. R-strategists have shorter lifespans, more offspring, and are smaller. 

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