Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Hot Zone: Part 1

I have alot of summer work so i am trying to get ahead of it while I have time. 

I am really enjoying this book. I didn't realize how much viruses interest me. The scary thing about Ebola and Marburg breakouts is that it could happen anytime. If it affects one person then it gets everywhere. I am suprised that Nurse Mayinga didnt affect many people with her virus, I thought that EVERYBODY was going to be infected. Part 1 has confused me alot. I dont like how one time it is talking about how Marburg and Ebola affect you and then the next paragraph it is talking about Nancy Jaax and her job. I agree with Phebe that there are WAY too many Johnsons. I had to remind myself who was who many times. I am the oppisite of Phebe and Isa, I like reading about what the viruses do to you. It is disturbing but it interest me for some reason!!


  1. Like your Nurse Mayinga thought, I couldnt believe that Monet didnt get a million people sick when he went on that plane on his way to the hospital!

  2. I always think the same thing whenever I read it... must be from watching Outbreak like we did in 9th grade. Remember when I showed you that movie??!! Ruthie, I agree, I think viruses are fascinating. And to both you and PHebe... yep way too many Johnsons! To you, Isa, you are doing a great job commenting on people's posts.
