Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Hot Zone: Part 1

Okay,  I leave for camp and will be gone on some due dates; so I'm getting a head start to prevent late posts!

I originally thought this book was going to be boring, but I couldn't put it down after I got into it! It's really graphic; I got a little nauseous when I was reading the "colorful" descriptions of the puke from those infected with Marburg. The book sort of confuses me with the going back and forth, it helps to go back to get all the dates straight. Nancy Jaxx seems like a kickbutt kind of person! It made me realize how serious ebola and Marburg are when they said she couldn't get vaccines for level three viruses so they put her in level 4 biohazard because there's nothing to do to help anyways. I would've been turned away by that and found a new career, but she didn't hesitate to work in the ebola suite. I thought Nancy was going to be a goner when they talked about her cut, glad she didn't get ebola!

Is anyone else's begonia dying?


  1. I give my begonia a half day of sun and its looking great!!

  2. Ill try moving mine, it might not be getting enough sun!

  3. Have you re-potted the plant? It needs a larger container for sure...

  4. Yes, I hadn't repotted when I posted this but I have now. It is doing a lot better. My coleus is beautiful!
