Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Scavenger Hunt post #3

Endotherm- An endotherm is an organism that generates heat to maintain its body temperature. Here is a Rhino laying in the sun to get warmer

Predation- It is the act of a predator eating its prey. Here is a tiger. A tiger is considered to be an apex predator in its region
Taxis- It is a behavioral response of an organism to a stimulus in its environment. Here is a bush that is goring towards the sun instead of straight up.
Population- It is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same geographical area. I couldn't find a bunch of the same fish but here is a mixture of some
Mating Behavior- It is the behavior of an organism to find a mate in order to reproduce. Here is a peacock. These birds are known to spread their feathers in order to catch the attention of a female.