Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Hot Zone: Part 4

I think the book could've gone without this part. I got sort of bored when the author was writing about being in Kitum Cave. I would've been scared to go back to the Reston Monkey house, even though the virus didn't show negative effects on humans. I find it sort of eery that spiders and plants have found their way into the building and are living there, could they become infected? I did some research and found out that the Reston Monkey house was eventually torn down and now a daycare center stands there now. I think that was a good idea; I wouldn't feel safe going back inside that building.

I also found out that in 2009 in the Philippines, there was an outbreak of Ebola Reston. This time, it came from sick pigs. Workers who had come in contact with the pigs contracted the virus. They still stayed healthy but this scares me. The virus jumped species, meaning its mutating. How long will it be till it mutates to become harmful to humans?

The character guide and glossary at the end of the book really helped me cement the different roles the characters played and the new vocabulary in my head.

I absolutely loved this book. I didn't have high expectations in the beginning, so I am surprised how interesting it was.

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